Diseases General Health Skin Conditions

Itching at Night

If you are suffering from nocturnal itching, then it is only normal you are interested in finding out more inf...

Coughing after Eating

Coughing after eating is never a comfortable thing to experience but it can occasionally happen. However, if i...

Puffy Face

What does a puffy face mean? Every one has a puffy face, at least once in their lives. However, if you develo...

Stasis Ulcer

What is Stasis Ulcer? Stasis ulcer is a skin condition characterized by the ulceration of the skin that is de...

Maculopapular Rash

What is Maculopapular Rash? This is a skin condition that is characterized by the presence of both papules an...

Pityriasis Lichenoides

What is Pityriasis Lichenoides? This is a rare skin condition that is divided into two different categories w...


Sialolithiasis is a medical condition, in which calculi or stones form within the salivary glands. The most co...

Snapping Hip Syndrome

What is Snapping hip syndrome? This medical condition is one in which the person feels a snapping sensation o...


What is Arthrofibrosis? This is a medical complication in which you have an excessive amount of scar tissue t...


Definition Rhabdomyolysis is a medical condition, in which the skeletal muscle tissue that was damaged starts...

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