Diseases General Health Skin Conditions

Acne around Mouth

Acne around the mouth can be upsetting, especially since in most cases the skin on the rest of the face is cle...

Fordyce Spots on Lips

What are Fordyce spots? Also known as Fordyce granules or Sebaceous Prominence, the Fordyce spots that appear...

Sun Blisters on Lips

When summer comes, everyone wants just one thing and that is to go out and enjoy the sun. However, not everyon...

Cracked Corners of Mouth

Having cracked corners at the mouth is a condition more common than one would think. In the medical field, thi...

Red Moles

The red mole is also known as a cherry angioma and at first sight it might seem like a serious medical problem...

Numbness in Lips

The numbness sensation appearing in the lip area can be partial or complete. There are many reasons that might...

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