Diseases General Health Skin Conditions

Fordyce Spots on Lips

What are Fordyce spots? Also known as Fordyce granules or Sebaceous Prominence, the Fordyce spots that appear...

Chlorine Rash

What is Chlorine rash? As the name actually suggests it, a chlorine rash is a type of rash that appears after...

Itchy tongue

The tongue is an important part of the human body and one of the most complex muscles we have. This muscle hel...

Allergic Conjunctivitis

What is Allergic Conjunctivitis? Allergic conjunctivitis is an immunologic response to an allergen, causing t...

Bruised Toenail

What is a Bruised toenail? Although most of the time having a bruised toenail is a small thing but it can be ...

Crusted Scabies

What is Crusted Scabies? Crusted scabies is a severe and contagious variant of scabies. The disease is charac...

Sore Calf Muscles

The calf muscles are the ones responsible for the flexion movements in the lower part of the leg. They stretch...

Sun Blisters on Lips

When summer comes, everyone wants just one thing and that is to go out and enjoy the sun. However, not everyon...

Cracked Corners of Mouth

Having cracked corners at the mouth is a condition more common than one would think. In the medical field, thi...

Inner Ear Infection

The infection of the inner ear can be present on different levels, causing a wide range of symptoms. Most peop...

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