Diseases General Health Skin Conditions


What is Hypercholesterolemia? This medical condition involves the high cholesterol levels found in your blood...

Diabetic Retinopathy

What is Diabetic Retinopathy? Diabetic Retinopathy is a chronic and progressive disease of the retinal microv...


Definition of Menometrorrhagia This medical condition occurs when a women experiences abnormal uterine bleedi...


Angiolipoma can be defined as a benign subcutaneous tumor, being primarily composed of blood vessels and fat. ...

Green Tongue

Why is my Tongue Green? We all know that, in healthy individuals, the tongue has a common pink color, with a ...


Steatorrhea can be defined as the present of excessive quantities of fat in the stool. Clinical Presentation ...


Acrocyanosis can be defined as the discoloration that occurs at the level of the extremities. In the majority ...

Lingering Cough

A lingering cough can generate a lot of discomfort, especially if you are at work or in another public place. ...

Sigmoid Volvulus

Definition Sigmoid volvulus is a medical condition, in which the sigmoid colon practically twists on the sigm...


Do you have a feeling to keep moving at all times? Or have your friends been telling you that you are abnormal...

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