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Vesicular Rash

The vesicular rash is quite common and it can have a wide range of causes. If you have noticed that a vesicular rash has appeared on your skin, it is for the best not to attempt to handle it by yourself. You should make an appointment and visit the doctor, so as to get an accurate diagnosis. Once you know the exact cause of the vesicular rash, you can seek out adequate treatment and perhaps try out several home remedies.

What does a Vesicular Rash look like?

vesicular rash

Picture of Vesicular Rash On back side

Characteristic for the vesicular rash is the presence of vesicles at the level of the skin. These can have different sizes, ranging from small to moderate and, in rare situations, even large (blister/bulla). As for the shape, these are always round, being transparent and filled with liquid. Depending on the cause that has led to the appearance of the vesicular rash, the liquid contained in the vesicles can have different colors, such as white or yellow. It is also possible that the liquid is clear or, in the situation that it is mixed with blood, it has a red or pink-like color.

The vesicular rash is generally characterized by the presence of multiple lesions, with redness and inflammation surrounding them. In the majority of the cases, the vesicular rash is extremely itchy. In case of excessive scratching, the vesicles can break, with the liquid coming out of them and forming crusts at the level of the skin. It is highly important not to break these vesicles by yourself, as you expose the skin to bacteria and other potentially harmful pathogens, increasing the risk for infection.

Causes of Vesicular Rash

These are the most common causes that can lead to the appearance of the vesicular rash:

  • Allergic reaction
  • Dermatitis
  • Eczema
  • Contact dermatitis
  • Cold sore
  • Autoimmune conditions (bullous pemphigoid)
  • Viral infection (chickenpox, varicella, shingles, herpes)
  • Skin conditions (porphyria cutanea tarda)
  • Streptococcal or staphylococcal bacterial infection (impetigo).

From the causes that have been listed above, you have probably understood that the vesicular rash can be caused by both minor and serious conditions. Many people develop this kind of rash when they come into contact with potential allergens, so they require specific testing in order to know how to protect themselves in the future. On the other hand, the vesicular rash can also appear as one of the symptoms of more serious medical problems, requiring more aggressive treatment of the underlying condition.


These are the methods used for the diagnosis of the vesicular rash:

  • Medical history of the patient
    • History of allergies (what are the suspected allergens)
    • Similar symptoms in the past
    • Current and past treatments (the rash can appear as a side-effect of medication)
    • Other symptoms or pre-existing medical conditions
    • Family medical history (inherited conditions)
  • Physical examination
    • Analysis of vesicular rash with the dermoscope
    • Sample testing (biopsy) – the doctor might take a small sample of the vesicle fluid or even a tissue sample, in order to confirm the diagnosis
    • Allergy testing – reveal the potential allergens (prophylactic purpose).

Pictures of Vesicular Rash

vesicular rash pictures

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Treatment for Vesicular Rash

From what has been said so far, you can probably understand that the treatment of the vesicular rash is very much dependent on the cause that has led to its appearance in the first place. Anti-inflammatory medication can be administered in order to deal with the symptoms. In case the problem is caused by an allergic reaction, topical or oral antihistamines can be administered, in order to reduce both the inflammation and the itchiness. For more severe allergies, corticosteroids can be administered – topical or oral – but only for short periods of time, due to the negative side-effects they may have on the overall health.

In case of a bacterial infection, the doctor will recommend antibiotic treatment, with oral or topical administration. In the situation that you are given oral antibiotics, make sure to complete the entire course, so as to reduce the resistance of the bacteria to the treatment. Also, ask the doctor for probiotic supplements, as it is a known fact that antibiotics can have a negative impact on the healthy intestinal flora. For viral infections, antiviral medication can be administered, with the purpose of eliminating the virus responsible for the infection from the body. If the vesicular rash is caused by an autoimmune disorder, such as is the case of bullous pemphigoid, the standard treatment is represented by corticosteroids.


Given the fact that, in the majority of the cases the vesicular rash appears as the result of an allergic reaction, the prognosis is excellent. With the adequate treatment, the vesicular rash will disappear and the patient can go back to a normal existence. In the situation that the problem is caused by a viral infection, it is important to mention that the virus can remain latent in the body. Whenever the immune system is going to be weakened for various reasons, it is highly likely that the virus is going to become activated, causing a new infection.

Prevention of Vesicular Rash

If you suffer from allergies in general, it is quite simple to prevent the vesicular rash. You need to get yourself tested and identify all the potentially harmful allergens. In this way, you can avoid them and also ensure the necessary protection against them. As for the bacterial or viral infections, it is recommended to avoid sharing objects such as glasses or forks with other people (high risk of pathogen transmission).

When does the vesicular rash represent a medical emergency?

In some situations, it is possible that the vesicular rash is part of an emergency, with the person experiencing the symptoms of a severe allergic reaction. If the person has difficulties breathing, experiences wheezing and cyanosis, this means that a severe allergic reaction has occurred and emergency medical assistance can make the difference between life and death. An emergency shot of adrenaline has to be administered, in order for the person not to suffocate, due to the throat closing up. Many allergic persons carry such shots with them in case of an allergic reaction, so you need to search for such a shot first and foremost.

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