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Tingling in Right Arm

Tingling in Right Arm Symptoms

Tingling is an abnormal sensation that can occur in any part of the body although it is most commonly felt in the areas of the fingers, arms, hands, legs, toes and feet. The abnormal sensation may signify an alteration in the circulation or may indicate a problem with the nerve. It may also suggest an underlying condition which may or may not be serious and which is also true in either part of the body that is experiencing the abnormal sensation.

Tingling on one side or either both sides of the body most often suggest an interruption in the circulation and is a common occurrence experienced by the general population. Tingling on one side of the body particularly in the right arm may actually weaken the arm but does not immediately suggest a problem with the brain or with the spinal cord. The occurrence on the other hand could only mean a poor circulation and the onset is often temporary and for a short period of time.

The most common symptom of tingling in the right arm is the abnormal sensation of prickling or pins and needles. The abnormal sensation may be felt in a certain portion of the right arm or it may extend to the entire proximal or the entire length of the right arm. At times, the tingling may also be associated with weakening of the arm. Other symptoms that may be associated with tingling in the right arm also depend on the underlying condition that caused the tingling of the right arm.

The tingling in right arm caused by a nutritional deficiency for example can also cause a person to experience hair loss, dry eyes, swelling and other symptoms of nutritional deficiency.

Tingling in the right arm and even in any part of the body is not a serious medical condition nor does it suggest a serious underlying condition. It is also not a permanent and debilitating condition that treatment is often not necessary. It is not a life threatening condition and often resolves on its own. The experience, however, should be consulted with the doctor if the abnormal sensation is experienced in the entire body in prolonged period and with the onset that often come and goes.

Causes of Tingling in Right Arm

Tingling is often experienced when too much pressure is exerted on a certain part of the body. The tingling sensation in the right hand is commonly experienced when too much pressure is applied such as during sleep, particularly sleeping on the right side of the body.

Tingling in the right arm may be also be caused by several factors and other medical conditions and the problem may be local or systemic. Local problem causing tingling in the right arm pertains to a condition or injury that affects a certain nerve. Trauma or any damages of the nerves in the right arm can cause the tingling exactly at the right arm as well and which is often due to the swelling or interruption in the circulation or nerves. Systemic problem on the other hand is brought by certain condition or underlying condition that affects the nerve supplying the right arm.

Other causes of tingling in the right arm may include the following:


Injury in the right arm that causes damages to the brachial plexus nerves can cause an individual to experience tingling particularly in the right arm. The injury can be due to fracture or hard blow on the right arm that caused swelling and an interruption in the nerves that supply the right arm. The tingling sensation is also accompanied with other symptoms such as swelling and skin discoloration.

Pinched nerve

Pinched nerve resulting from traumatic incidents and inflammatory condition involving the nerves of the upper limb and the brachial plexus of the right arm can cause the tingling sensation associated with weakening of the right arm.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

It is defined as a compression of the nerve in the wrist. The disorder is characterized by pain and weakness including tingling in the right arm if it involves the right wrist.


Stroke involving the part of the brain responsible for the control of the upper limb can cause the affected individual to experience tingling and paralysis. If the left side of the brain and its blood vessels are affected, the right arm may experience tingling together with the other symptoms of stroke.

Nutritional deficiency

Nutritional deficiency defines the lack of essential vitamins and nutrients that the body requires. Tingling in any part of the body particularly the right arm is caused by deficiency in certain minerals and vitamins that the body needs.


Tingling in the right arm is not a serious medical condition that requires treatment. Most often than not, tingling resolves on its own or as soon as the normal pressure is attained or when the circulation is brought back to normal. It is not a temporary or life-threatening disease that can cause an alarm to the affected individual. Tingling in the right is a common occurrence experienced by the general population.

Tingling in the right arm caused by an underlying condition is treated according to the exact cause of the abnormal sensation. The treatment is primarily on the underlying condition and not exactly on the tingling sensation in the right arm. Relief usually follows as soon as the primary disease is addressed.

Tingling in Right Arm
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