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Archive for November, 2017

Is Cracking Your Neck Bad?

Nov 10 2017 Published by under General Health,Pain Management

Cracking your neck happens when you roll or bend your neck in either direction and a popping sound is heard. Our spine is made up of many bones joined to each other just like any two bones in the body. Neck is made up of seven cervical vertebrae and the popping sound comes from any one of these.

For some people, it is extremely relieving to crack their neck. It is not painful and might sometimes become a habit of a person. Many people crack other joints of their bodies too like knuckles, ankles, hips, toes and lower back. The reason behind neck or any other joint is very simple. These joints in our bodies have liquids or gasses like carbon dioxide and nitrogen filled in them. When a joint is put under pressure, the gas exists from them causing the popping noise.

Cracking your neck sometimes can be considered normal but if it’s made a habit then it’s quite harmful. Many chiropractors use cracking of the neck as a technique as a treatment of their patients. But chiropractors are trained individuals that keep your safety in mind. In general, cases cracking the neck regularly might lead to injuries and tear in the ligaments.

Why is Cracking your Neck Bad?

Yes, the cracking of your neck is bad. The repeated cracking builds up pressure around the joints causing the ligaments to stretch.

Is cracking neck bad?

If the neck stretching stays constant, then the following conditions can occur:

Perpetual Instability

Cracking your neck constantly can cause perpetual instability. The pressure that is applied to the bones due to constant cracking can excessively stretch the ligaments. These ligaments when stretched leads to instability. This is responsible for buildup of bone bridges in between joints of two vertebrae. Bone bridge is the body’s way of joint stabilization. This can later lead to a condition called osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis has many other symptoms like pain and stiffness in neck is associated with it.


There have been many pieces of evidence showing that constant cracking can increase the chances of strokes in many individuals of age less than 60. Constant neck cracking causes injury in  neck, and this injury leads to the breakage of the nerves and as a result the breakage of the arteries or the other blood vessels, finally this leads to bleeding and in formation of clots. The blood clots can either move up to the brain or block the flow of blood to the brain. If the blood is not transferred to the brain, this leads to lack of oxygen. Even though strokes that are caused by neck cracking are minor ones and do not cause a lot of damage but  are combined with other factors can even be excessively dangerous. If you feel any symptoms like a headache, dizziness, blurry vision etc. contact your doctor immediately.

Less Mobility in the neck

Cracking of  neck causes wear and tear of cartilage around the neck vertebrae. This sometimes leads to arthritis or arthritis-like symptoms. Further, leads to less mobility of the neck and severe pain in some cases. Pain can either be due to osteoarthritis or due to tear of ligaments.

Side Effects of always Cracking your Neck

The cracking of the neck constantly is the root cause of many different side effects in the body.

The neck cracking can have the following side effects:


Most people crack their neck in order to get the feeling of content and to relieve pain. It is a very wrong belief that neck cracking is good also constant neck cracking can leads in tearing cartilage around the vertebrae and disease like osteoarthritis. This results in constant pain and discomfort.


When a person cracks his or her neck constantly, there is a big chance that it might lead to an injury. The chiropractors are trained professionals who use right technique of neck cracking. If the wrong technique is used, then neck injury like breakage of ligaments, breakage of blood vessels and other injuries can occur.


Stiffness is either caused due to pain in the neck or when the neck has lost its mobility. In any case, there is constant stiffness in the neck and you cannot move it.

How to Stop Cracking your Neck?

Neck cracking is a very bad habit and needs to be stopped immediately. It might lead to other big problems. Even though it might cause short-term relief in a person, avoiding it is better than regretting later. Forming healthy habits is the best way to stop neck cracking. Since stress in the neck is what causes neck cracking, taking out time for an interesting stress relieving activity can be very useful. Also, including some relaxation exercise in daily routine can be helpful. In addition to this quitting smoking, exercising regularly and keeping the body fit can help immensely in stopping the neck cracking.

How to Relieve the Pain?

How to relieve the pain for cracking neck

There are a few different things that a person can try to relieve the pain after neck cracking, They are as follows:

Heat and cold

Using heat or cold compress can help to relieve the pain and both of these methods are considered to be equally effective. So, anyone can be chosen depending on the comfort. In the case of heating, apply heat to the affected area for twenty minutes, repeat this procedure every two-three hours until the pain diminishes. If cold treatment is what you are opting for, do not apply ice directly on the skin, but wrap the ice in a towel or a thick cloth and apply it on the affected area. Repeat it till you get relief.


There are some painkillers that can be used, any good quality painkiller available at your nearby pharmacy can be used. If you feel that your pain is accompanied by inflammation, then some anti-inflammatory drugs can also be taken.


As soon as you start feeling stress or stiffness in your neck, start moving the area. Do not move the area with force. Learn some light stretches or start giving yourself a massage or consult a chiropractor who can help you relieve the stress off your body.

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Queasy Stomach

Nov 10 2017 Published by under Digestive System,Diseases and Conditions

Queasy stomach is a common stomach disorder that takes a toll on your body and makes you feel low. Stomach ailments can be major cause to affect your mood and daily activities. It makes you feel uneasy and can even turn into a rough experience. According to medical studies, queasy stomach after eating is one of the major chronic health ailments that a major percentage of people in the world suffer from. It is not only bad for health, but also increases your anxiety and adds to low self-esteem. Let us have an idea of the various cases of queasy stomach and how to get of this ailment.

Queasy stomach also comes with a range of health conditions, such as nausea, headache, irritable bowel movement, flatulence, gas formation, stomach ache, and lots more. All these factors, if taking place on a regular basis. Can wreak havoc on your body, and take away your peace of mind. A combination of medication and diet regime can be an effective cure for these complications. Add to it, you can have a regular exercise that can help your digestive systems and also lead to better metabolism. All these will help you get rid of this chronic ailment and get back to your better self soon.

Queasy stomach

What can Cause Queasy Stomach?

Irregular diet patterns

Queasy stomach is caused due to a number of reasons. One of the main reasons why stomach feels queasy is due to irregular diet patterns. Our body has a definite and regular metabolic and digestive pattern, which is disrupted can cause stomach upset. If you have an irregular diet regime and eat during odd hours, it will lead to queasy stomach after eating. This is one reason why people who work in irregular work shifts, such as night shifts or graveyard shifts suffer from queasy stomach issues.Queasy stomach after eating can be understood from a range of symptoms like stomach ache, nausea, burning sensation in the heart, dry lips or saliva and so on. The acidic sensation in the stomach leads to other complications like burps, flatulence, bloating stomach and so on.


One of the major causes of queasy stomach is indigestion. It is also known as dyspepsia in medical terms. It causes discomfort in the upper part of the abdomen. Sometimes, indigestion also causes queasy stomach in the morning. This morning discomfort is mainly caused due to improper functioning of the pancreas, gallbladder, and bile ducts. If unchecked, such chronic queasy stomach can also lead to peptic ulcer, gastro esophageal reflux disease, or even liver cancer.


High levels of acid formation in the abdomen are a major reason for queasy stomach. Acidity causes symptoms like nausea, heartburn, and so on. Some of the reasons why acidity takes place are consumption of fried food, smoking, less drinking of water, skipping meals, and so on. In most cases, acidity also leads to vomiting or vomiting sensation. Until all the acid in stomach comes out, a person can suffer from frequently vomiting episodes. Add to this, the patient can also have stomach brawls or irregular bowel. Someone, queasy stomach gives way to dry heaving. In this condition,  stomach tries to remove all the food or acid contents even after it has been emptied through vomiting.


Dysmotility is another reason why the stomach feels queasy. In this situation, muscles of digestive system do not function in the right manner. This affects bowel movements and secretion of digestive enzymes, and therefore leads to queasy stomach. You feel an uneasy and acidic feeling in your stomach,  also have flatulence and irregular bowel movements. It can also lead stomach bloating, and if unchecked, can create accumulation of fat and cause obesity or high cholesterol ailments. Some of the main causes why this disorder occurs are excessive alcohol consumption, irregular eating during late night, frequent consumption of spicy and oily food that are hard to digest.

Abnormality of Esophagel Sphincter

Abnormal behavior in the esophageal sphincter is also the reason for why stomach feels queasy. This prevents digestive enzymes to properly secrete and stomach directly regurgitates acid to esophagus. Patients who suffer from this disorder have burning sensation in upper abdomen, nausea, blocked throat sensation, and so on. Eating food high in oil or fat content, less water consumption, and irregular dieting are the main reasons for this.

Pregnant conditions

Morning sickness, a common pregnancy related condition among women also causes queasy stomach in the morning. It creates stomach upset, followed by nausea and vomiting. It mainly occurs in early hours of morning. Sometimes, stomach feels queasy before periods among women. Around 2 women out of 4 suffer from this complication.

Remedies to cure Queasy Stomach

Rest and drink water

Firstly, if you seem to suffer from queasy stomach, you need to lie down for a period of time. This will improve the digestive and metabolic situation of the body and reduce the effect of stomach upset. Also, drinking lots of waters removes acidic content from the stomach, and provides a soothing effect. Water is a natural anti-oxidant that improves the secretion of digestive enzymes in the bowels, and reduces the ailments where stomach feels queasy. Moreover it improves regular bowel movement. It also improves the saliva formation that aids digestion of the food and creates more enzymes.


You need to know the right way how to soothe a queasy stomach. You can use a range of natural ingredients like peppermint that provides a calming effect on queasy stomach and makes you feel better. Peppermint is considered to be an effective cure for stomach ache, nausea and vomiting. It also reduces acid formation in the stomach.


If you are suffering from queasy stomach due to indigestion, gas or irregular bowel movement, you can have ginger. It consists of anti-oxidants that improve secretion of digestive enzymes that reduces indigestion or irregular bowel movements.


Those suffering from gas or acid formation can try soda, lemonade and other carbonated liquids like soft drinks. They are quite effective in eradicating the symptoms related to queasy stomach after eating.


There are quite a lot of medication too that help in providing relief against queasy stomach. There are lots of antacids that can be tried out. Most of these are over the counter drugs that can be bought without a prescription. In addition, there are digestive powders and drinks that help in enhancing the digestive level of the body. If you have consumed heavy food, it is recommended that you take antacid as it will prevent indigestion or acid formation.

Balanced diet

As prevention is always better than cure, you need to maintain a proper diet regime to reduce the effects or occurrence of queasy stomach. As eating at odd hours is a major reason why the stomach feels queasy, you need to eat at regular intervals. Also, try not to skip meals and limit your diet to healthy food items. Avoid excessive oily and fried food, as they not only create stomach upset, but also lead to obesity and high cholesterol.

What to Eat on a Queasy Stomach?

As queasy stomach is a common ailment that most of us suffer from, we sometimes wonder what to eat in order to reduce its effects. By following a regular and balanced diet, and consuming the right kind of food that are healthy, we can easily do away with such health complication.

Let us see how to soothe a queasy stomach by knowing what to eat:

What foods to eat on queasy stomach?


They can be one of the best food items that are healthy and can help reduce queasy stomach after eating. There are lots of fruits, such as banana, guava, apples, and papaya that are considered very effective to cure stomach ailments. They consist of pectin that induces digestion and leads to better bowel movement and increased enzyme secretion. Also, fruits rich in fiber like raisins, cherries, apricots and prunes are quite effective to kill indigestion.


Yogurt is an effective ingredient that helps eradicate the feeling of queasy stomach. It prevents various symptoms of stomach upset like nausea, abdominal pain, and so on from taking place. It increases of acids that increase the growth of good bacteria in the bladder, which induce better digestion.

Juices and Liquids

For expectant mothers who have the complication of queasy stomach in the morning, consuming fruit juices, mint team carrot shakes, or ciders can be effective. They are quite a handful to fight stomach issues during pregnancy or during periods.

Other eatables

In addition to these, there are some more food items that can be effective in fighting queasy stomach. Although sounds surprising, but burnt toasts are considered to be very good against reducing acid formation in the stomach. In the similar way, caraway seeds are quite useful in reducing the growth of bad acids and bacteria that cause indigestion. Having caraway seeds on a regular basis prevents ailments like stomach bloating, gas, nausea, and so on.By maintaining a balanced and regular diet, added with proper medication, you can easily say bye to the problem of queasy stomach.

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