Diseases General Health Skin Conditions

Queasy Stomach

Queasy stomach is a common stomach disorder that takes a toll on your body and makes you feel low. Stomach ail...

Throwing up Foam

Throwing up foam means when a person vomits, there is a discharge of foam like white or yellow substance from ...

Gallbladder Polyps

The name gallbladder polyps can strike some fears in you if you have just been diagnosed with one especially w...


What is Appendectomy? Appendectomy is a surgical procedure used for the removal of the appendix. This is comm...


Ascites Definition This is the build-up of additional fluid in your abdomen. It is also called your peritonea...


What is Achlorhydria? Achlorhydria is simply the lack of hydrochloric acid in gastric secretions. It is seen ...

Duodenal Atresia

What is Duodenal Atresia? Duodenal atresia can be defined as a congenital problem, in which a part of the duo...

Gastric Volvulus

What is Gastric Volvulus? This medical condition happens when all or part of your stomach twists around by mo...

Regional Enteritis

Regional enteritis is also known as Crohn’s disease, being a medical condition in which the gastrointestinal...

Spastic Colon

Definition The Spastic colon or Irritable bowel syndrome is a collection of symptoms at the level of the GI t...

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