Diseases General Health Skin Conditions

Inner Thigh Pain

Inner thigh pain can cause a lot of discomfort, preventing the sufferer from performing simple daily activitie...

Chills without Fever

Chills are generally described as a normal reaction of the body when exposed to cold temperatures. However, th...

Waking Up with Dry Mouth

There are a lot of people who wake up with a dry mouth, feeling the acute need to drink lots of water. This pr...

White Discharge Before Period

All women experience vaginal white discharge before their period, during the years they are fertile. The white...

Skin Peeling Between Toes

The skin peeling between toes can either be acute or chronic. The longer the condition lasts, the more discomf...

White Blood Cells in Urine

In healthy patients, the urine does not contain blood cells, being 100% sterile. When a patient experiences di...

Left sided Headache

Headaches are the worst, especially if they are serious enough to interrupt our activities. They can be acute,...

Cracked Corners of Mouth

Having cracked corners at the mouth is a condition more common than one would think. In the medical field, thi...

Pain below Sternum

The sternum is the bone connecting the ribs, being situated in the central part of the thorax. When a person e...

Outer Thigh Pain

Our human nature is defined by movement. As we use our limbs for the most varied movements, it should come as ...

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