Diseases General Health Skin Conditions

Acne around Mouth

Acne around the mouth can be upsetting, especially since in most cases the skin on the rest of the face is cle...

Blisters on Hands

What Causes blisters on hands? Having blisters on your hands can be a problem for anyone of any age. Before d...

Lichen Planopilaris

What is Lichen Planopilaris? This is an inflammatory condition that is rare and can result in having progress...


Definition: What is Exostosis? This is a bony outgrowth that can occur anywhere on your body and is non-cance...

Right Jaw Pain

A lot of people experience pain in their right jaw, the levels of intensity ranging from mild to severe. This ...

Sore Roof of Mouth

Having a sore roof of mouth is not a pleasant sensation, as it can cause a lot of discomfort and even prevent ...

Cracked Corners of Mouth

Having cracked corners at the mouth is a condition more common than one would think. In the medical field, thi...

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