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Archive for March, 2016

Outer Thigh Pain

Mar 22 2016 Published by under General Health

Our human nature is defined by movement. As we use our limbs for the most varied movements, it should come as no surprise that we may suffer from pain from time to time. The outer thigh pain can be accompanied by a burning sensation, suggesting that the sensory nerves are involved in the process. Or it could be a consequence of any of our daily activities, whether we are talking about climbing stairs, walking for a large distance or trying to reach something that is too high. Identifying the correct cause that has led to the pain in the first place is essential for the right treatment to be administered.

Causes of Outer Thigh Pain

These are the most common causes of outer thigh pain:

Greater trochanteric pain syndrome (trochanteric bursitis)

  • Defined by outer thigh pain
  • Inflammation/injury of tissues around the head of the femur (greater trochanter)
  • Minor tear/damage is also possible
  • Caused by repetitive movements – running/walking (excessively)
  • Consequence of pressure in the area, infection or previous hip surgery with metallic implant.

Meralgia paresthetica

This is a neurological condition – nerve entrapment syndrome

  • Pain in the outer thigh (felt at the level of the skin)
  • Cause – sensory nerve compression (lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh)
  • Pain accompanied by numbness or tingling sensation
  • Caused through car accidents (seatbelt injury) or during various surgical procedures (hernia repair, for example)
  • Playing professional sports can also lead to the condition.

Muscle strain

  • Common cause that leads to outer thigh pain
  • Can appear if the muscle is stretched excessively or after prolonged physical exercise (overuse/weakness)
  • The pain is described by the patient as dull and aching
  • Pain is aggravated if the patient tries to maintain weight on the affected leg
  • Can also appear after different injuries.

Spinal nerve compression

  • Compression of nerves at different levels (especially in the lumbar region) leads to outer thigh pain
  • Patients also describe numbness or tingling sensation
  • More than one spinal nerve can be compressed, the pain extending throughout the entire limb
  • Movement and range of mobility can be affected as well
  • If the nerve is damaged, then muscle weakness might also be present.

Iliotibial band syndrome

  • Outer thigh pain
  • Other symptoms: swelling and discomfort
  • Knee movements are limited or certain sounds are produced with each movement
  • Most often encountered in professional athletes
  • Cause: prolonged pressure on the iliotibial band.

Other causes


  • Pain in the outer thigh and in the hip
  • Swelling in the area
  • The patient might have a difficult time maintaining weight on that leg
  • Main cause – prolonged pressure
  • Other causes – movements in a joint that is not stable or movements that involve a lot of speed or twisting.

Muscle contusion

  • Main cause – aggressive contact in sports
  • Outer thigh pain accompanied by swelling and muscle tenderness
  • Skin discoloration might also be present


  • Outer thigh pain caused by joint deterioration and inflammation
  • Loss of mobility accompanies the pain
  • Consequence of aging


  • Cause – pressure on the sciatic nerve
  • Appears in herniated discs (complete or partial)
  • Associated by numbness or tingling sensation
  • Can lead to muscle weakness

Hip replacement

  • Outer thigh pain appears in the first recovery stage of the hip replacement surgery.

How to treat Outer thigh pain?

Outer thigh pain can be treated with symptomatic medication but, often times, it is just as important to treat the underlying condition. If the underlying condition is properly treated, the outer thigh pain will go away as well. Below, you will find the treatment recommended for the above mentioned medical conditions:

Greater trochanteric pain syndrome

  • Ice pack applications
  • Anti-inflammatory medication – pain relief
    • Acetaminophen
    • Ibuprofen
  • Diet – Weight loss improves symptoms of the condition
  • Corticosteroids – oral/topical administration (injection)
    • Not to be administered for prolonged periods of time, as they have serious side-effects
  • Physiotherapy – Exercise program for pain relief, increasing range of movement and muscle strengthening

Meralgia paresthetica

  • Refrain from physical activity – this condition is aggravated by movement
  • Diet – weight loss
  • Physical therapy
    • Exercise program
    • Massage
    • Stretching
  • Anti-inflammatory medication – pain relief
    • Acetaminophen
    • Ibuprofen
  • Corticosteroids – oral/topical administration (injections)
    • Direct injection into the lateral cutaneous nerve – improvement of symptoms, reduction of inflammation
  • Other medication (pain killing effect)
    • Anti-depressants
    • Anticonvulsant drugs

Muscle strain

  • Anti-inflammatory medication – pain relief
    • Acetaminophen
    • Ibuprofen
  • Cold pack application
  • Rest
  • Avoid standing on the affected leg
  • Physiotherapy
    • Stretching
    • Massage
  • Corticosteroid injections
    • Reduce inflammation
    • Relieve pain

Spinal nerve compression

  • Anti-inflammatory medication – pain relief
    • Acetaminophen
    • Ibuprofen
  • Physiotherapy
    • Mobilization and pain reduction
  • Surgery
    • Nerve decompression
    • Surgery for herniated or slipped disc

Iliotibial band syndrome

  • Cold/ice pack applications
  • Anti-inflammatory medication – pain relief
    • Acetaminophen
    • Ibuprofen
  • Rest


  • Rest
  • Avoid standing on the affected leg – better to keep it elevated
  • Ice pack applications
  • Anti-inflammatory medication – pain relief
    • Acetaminophen
    • Ibuprofen
  • Physiotherapy
    • Exercise program to strengthen hip muscles
  • Corticosteroid injections

Muscle contusion

  • Anti-inflammatory medication
  • Surgery in case of internal bleeding/additional bone fracture.


  • Anti-inflammatory medication
  • Corticosteroids
  • If rheumatic, then anti-rheumatic drugs are recommended (Methotrexate)
  • Physiotherapy and occupational therapy
  • Corticosteroids and hyaluronic acid injections
  • Joint replacement surgery.


  • Anti-inflammatory medication
  • Corticosteroids
  • Physiotherapy
  • Surgery for nerve decompression

Hip replacement

  • Anti-inflammatory medication
  • Corticosteroids
  • Physiotherapy – pain relief and joint mobility.

In conclusion, by identifying the exact cause of the outer thigh pain one can provide the proper treatment for the underlying condition. The pain can be reduced or completely eliminated by treating its exact cause. As you have seen, physiotherapy and occupational therapy are recommended as treatment in most of these cases. Consider them to avoid the outer thigh pain from becoming worse or chronic.

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Itchy Lower Legs

Mar 21 2016 Published by under General Health

From all the medical problems out there, itchiness in the lower legs can be quite troublesome. There are many reasons that can lead to this condition and the correct diagnosis is always essential for the best treatment to be recommended. The unfortunate thing about itchy lower legs is the constant desire to scratch; one that happens, you just want to do that and nothing else. Applying self-control is essential, as there are many conditions in which scratching only aggravates the itchiness. The more you scratch, the itchier your lower legs are going to be. It is for the best that the exact cause is identified as soon as possible, so as to find the right treatment and use it.

Causes of Itchy Lower Legs

These are the most common causes that lead to itchy lower legs:

dry skinDry skin


  • Inadequate diet
  • Not drinking enough water – dehydration
  • Genetics
  • Frequent showers
  • Body cosmetics
  • Thyroid disorder – hypothyroidism


  • Itchiness
  • Discomfort

Inadequate hygiene

  • The skin accumulates debris, dust and bacteria
  • Improper washing can lead to itchiness

Sensitivity to

  • Clothing
  • Extreme temperatures
  • Laundry detergent


  • The hair follicle is clogged by excessive keratin
  • Sandpaper texture of the skin (small bumps)


  • Itchiness
  • Discomfort
  • Redness


  • Infection of the hair follicle with bacteria
  • The skin on the lower legs becomes itchy, presenting small bumps
  • The bumps can be red in color and filled with pus
  • Aggravated by tight clothing
  • Often encountered in professional athletes
  • The bacterial infection can be transmitted through shared clothing

Urticarial rash

  • Triggered by excessive movement or temperatures
  • Practically, the body develops an allergy to sweating, causing the skin to become irritated and itchy

Fungal infection

  • Favored by excessive humidity and lack of proper hygiene
  • Easily transmitted through objects of personal hygiene or clothing


  • Itchiness
  • Brown rash

Gravitational eczema

  • Often appears in persons who have already been diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis


  • Itchiness
  • Purple or reddish rash on the lower legs
  • Inflammation is present in the same area.

Other causes

  • Restless leg syndrome – itchiness is accompanied by muscle twitches, especially during the night
  • Tight socks – excessive compression to the skin, leads to irritation and itchiness
  • Insect bites – fleas, ticks and other insects can cause itchiness in the lower legs
  • Poison oak allergy – the itchiness in the lower legs is caused by the blisters that form after a person has entered in contact with poison oak
  • Sunburns
  • Diseases of the liver – hepatitis
  • Diabetes – circulatory problems can lead to itchy legs, among other modifications
  • Kidney disease – the blood circulation is affected and itchy lower legs can be present as a symptom
  • Lymphoma – this is the cancer of the lymphatic system and it can lead to itchy lower legs.

Treatment for itchy lower legs

The treatment of lower itchy legs depends on the exact cause. These are the most recommended course of treatment to be undertaken:

Dry skin

  • Moisturizing cream
  • Drink plenty of fluids to ensure hydration
  • Avoid sun exposure
  • Anti-itchiness creams to relieve the symptoms


  • Regular showers
  • Avoid hot water and reduce the temperature to avoid further irritation of the skin
  • Use mild, anti-bacterial soap to prevent secondary infections


  • Moisturizing cream
  • Topical application of corticosteroid creams – reduce the itchiness, redness and inflammation
  • Other types of creams – with natural ingredients – are recommended for this particular condition


  • Oral or topical antibiotics are recommended to eliminate the infection
  • Excellent hygiene of the affected area is recommended in order to promote faster healing

Urticarial rash

  • Anti-histamines – oral or topical administration can help relieve the symptoms
  • Avoid triggering factors – exercise, extreme temperatures – that might cause excessive sweating

Fungal infection

  • Anti-fungal medication
  • Topical anti-fungal creams
  • Excellent hygiene for faster healing

Gravitational eczema

  • Corticosteroid creams can alleviate the itchiness
  • Elevation of legs can improve the condition
  • Regular movement
  • Compression stockings
  • Avoid prolonged orthostatic positions.


These are the most common remedies indicated for itchy lower legs:


  • Recommended for the alleviation of itchiness in the lower legs, especially if it is caused by insect bites
  • Promotes faster healing of an insect bites, by drawing out the venom and acting as a natural analgesic
  • Mix it water and apply directly to the skin
  • Rinse or peel it off after a short period of time
  • Repeat the procedure for best results.

Apple cider vinegar

  • Recommended as a natural remedy for itchy lower legs, given its many beneficial properties
  • Indicated in cases of dry skin
  • Use it as such or diluted in water, applying directly to the itching areas of the skin

Peppermint leaves

  • Fresh peppermint leaves have a soothing effect, especially if the itchiness has been caused by an insect bites
  • The leaves should be crushed and applied directly to the skin

Basil leaves

  • This is one of the best natural remedies against itchiness
  • The soothing effect brought to the skin is guaranteed by the natural ingredients, camphor and thymol
  • Direct application to the skin

Aloe vera

  • Recommended for itchy lower legs caused by excessive or prolonged exposure to the sun
  • Direct application of the aloe vera sap on the skin relieves the itching

Fruit peel

  • Less common remedy for itchy lower leg but nevertheless recommended
  • Best choices – banana peel, watermelon rind
  • Direct application (rubbing) to the affected area


  • Mix oatmeal with water
  • Soak your lower legs in that water and wait for the mixture to work its magic
  • You can also turn into a paste and apply it directly to the skin.

In conclusion, one can use both medication and natural remedies in order to solve the itchy lower legs. Hygiene is also a determining factor, so you might want to take this into consideration.

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Bump Inside Nose

Mar 20 2016 Published by under Ear, Nose and Throat

Having a bump inside your nose is definitely a cause of discomfort, especially if you are not certain what led to it in the first place. While there are many causes that can lead to the appearance of a bump inside the nose, it is important not to panic and visit a doctor. A physical examination will reveal the exact cause of your bump and the doctor will be able to recommend the proper treatment. Also, depending on the cause, there are certain home remedies that you might consider in order to improve the condition. The important thing is not to panic, as this condition is rarely something serious.

If you are wondering about the symptoms that a bump inside the nose can produce, you should know that these usually include pain and swelling. Some people describe the pain as throbbing or pulsating, bringing a lot of discomfort. If the bump is caused by an infection, then systemic symptoms might also be present. The patient might suffer from fever, general malaise and muscular weakness. In more severe cases, nausea and vomiting might also be present. The correct treatment and available home remedies will lead to an improvement of all the above mentioned symptoms.

What are the Causes of Bump inside Nose?

These are the most common causes that lead to a bump inside the nose:

Nasal polyps

  • One of the most encountered problems in the area
  • Cause – chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa
  • Polyp formation occurs in time, it is not an acute condition
  • The presence of nasal polyps leads to the following symptoms:
    • Runny nose
    • Congestion of the nasal airways, followed by headaches
    • Smell and taste receptors are affected
    • Sleep apnea or snoring
    • Itchiness in the eye area
    • Difficult breathing – large size.



  • For the protection of the mucosa, the interior of the nose has small strands of hair. If the root of those hairs gets infected for various reasons, then folliculitis occurs.
  • Most often – bacterial infection
  • Similar to the folliculitis that appears on other parts of the body
  • Pus forms around the hair follicle, the bump being white in color
  • The skin around the infected hair follicle is red in color, as there is a lot of blood driven to the area to solve the infection.
  • Inflammation might also be present, leading to itchiness or discomfort.

Bad habits

Nose picking

  • By introducing the finger into the nose, one practically invites bacteria inside.
  • When done excessively, the hair follicles are damaged and they become more prone to infection.

Touching the existent bump inside the nose

  • The repeated touching and even squeezing of the bump will worsen the infection, causing the bump to become larger and even spread to another area.
  • Once the area is touched, the inflammation will become more obvious and the patient is going to experience more discomfort.

Risk factors

  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Low immunity.


The treatment of the bump inside the nose depends on its actual cause. These are the most common courses of treatment:

Nasal polyp

  • If the size of the polyp is small, then no treatment is necessary
  • Surgical removal is recommended in the situation of large polyps, that cause difficulty breathing (functional endoscopic sinus surgery)
  • Symptomatic medication can bring pain relief and help with the alleviation of other symptoms.



  • Antibiotics are recommended to clear up the infection.
  • Depending on the severity of the infection, the doctor might recommend oral or topical administration.
  • Severe infections receive both oral and topical antibiotics.

Natural Remedies for bump inside nose

These are the most common remedies indicated for bump inside the nose:

Onion juice

  • Recommended for bumps caused by bacterial infections, due to its wonderful anti-bacterial properties
  • Grate an onion and squeeze out the juice that results from the process. Apply the juice to the bump with the aid of a cotton swab.
  • Repeat the process on a daily basis until the bump is eliminated.

Lime and bitter melon

  • Squeeze out the juice from a lime and the one from a bitter melon
  • Apply the resulting mixture to the bump using a cotton swab
  • Repeat the process on a daily basis until the bump is eliminated and the inflammation in the area has subsided.

Warm compress

  • Recommended to alleviate the pain, especially during the initial stages
  • You can dip a cotton disc into warm water and insert it into the nose
  • The warmth will bring the desired pain relief, helping the inflammation to subside
  • It is also a home remedy that can prevent secondary bacterial infections, as it practically washes the bacteria from the area.

Oregano oil, hydrogen peroxide and water

  • Mix the ingredients mentioned above
  • Apply it to the bump inside the nose and be prepared because it will sting
  • Rinse with cold water to which you have previously added a little bit of salt.

Salt water rinse

  • Mix cold water with salt
  • Rinse the nasal passage with the salt water
  • Repeat the procedure at least three times a day
  • The infection will subside and the bump will disappear
  • Excellent hygiene measure

Tea tree oil

  • Antibacterial properties
  • Soothes the nasal mucosa, preventing secondary infections
  • Mix with warm water and apply it inside the nose with a cotton swab
  • Leave it on for about ten minutes and then rinse off with warm water
  • Repeat three times a day.

In conclusion, having a bump inside the nose is not the end of the world. There are medical treatments and home remedies that guarantee its disappearance. Surgery is recommended only when the nasal polyp has become too large, preventing the efficient breathing process. Maintaining excellent hygiene is essential during the healing period, so as to avoid secondary bacterial infections. Also, it might be a good idea to quite nose picking and touching the inside of the nose too often.

Pictures of Bump inside Nose

Here are some of the photos, images, pictures of bump inside the nose…

bump inside nose

bump inside nose pictures

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Throat Feels Tight

Mar 16 2016 Published by under Ear, Nose and Throat

We all go through the sensation of tightness in the throat at least once in our lives. As there are many causes that might lead to this sensation, the important thing is not to panic and search for efficient solutions. If there is an underlying condition, then you might need treatment for that, in order to solve the sensation of tightness in the throat. The cause of this sensation might also be psychological, so you might need to go into counseling in order to solve it. Once the exact root cause has been identified, the proper treatment can be administered.

For a lot of people, the sensation of tightness in the throat causes a lot of discomfort, as it comes and goes. Sometimes, the feeling of tightness causes difficult breathing and swallowing. Identifying the correct cause will reduce some of the pressure and anxiety experienced. It will help feel less tensed, to forget about sweating and other upsetting symptoms. A visit to the doctor can also help you make the difference between the sensation being physiological or psychological. Once you know that anxiety is behind this sensation, you will be able to handle it better. Also, if there is a physiological cause, this can be addressed with the right treatment.

What does it mean when your throat feels tight?

When your throat feels tight, it means that your muscles are constricted. The constriction can have a secondary cause or it can appear on its own. When the muscles are under a lot of tension, the person might experience additional sensations besides the tightness. The constriction might cause difficulties swallowing or breathing, leading to a whole chain of events. The blood pressure can rise, as the person is not sure what is happening. Vagal symptoms can appear, such as tremors, excessive sweating or numbness of the lips.

In many situations, the tightness experience in the throat does not have a physical cause. Instead, it is a symptom of anxiety. For the person experiencing the constriction, it can be difficult to make the difference between a physical and psychological cause. Here is where the doctor comes in; a correct diagnosis will help the patient approach the throat tightness sensation in the right way. Also, it must be said that the constriction in the throat can be a symptom of a severe allergic reaction. Immediate medical treatment should be requested, as severe allergic reaction lead to life threatening symptoms.


There are the most common causes that lead to tightness sensation in the throat:


  • This is a vicious circle – as the person feels anxious, he/she experiences tightness in the throat. Because of this sensation, the anxiety levels increase.
  • The sensation of tightness in the throat is accompanied by a feeling of panic, excessive sweating, difficulty breathing and rapid pulse.

Thyroid disorders – hypothyroidism

  • The thyroid gland is located in the throat area and its slow functioning can lead to a feeling of tightness, besides other modifications.
  • The tightness in the throat can be increased if the thyroid presents nodules.
  • The person might experience difficulty breathing or swallowing.

Gastrointestinal disorders – gastro-esophageal reflux

  • The acid that comes from the stomach might lead to a burning or tightness sensation in the throat.


Food allergy

  • If you ingest foods that you are allergic to (nuts, eggs or seafood), then you can develop an allergic reaction.
  • The allergic reaction can range from mild to severe, requiring immediate medical treatment to prevent suffocation.

Medication allergy

  • If you take medication that you are allergic to, then you can suffer from tightness in the throat and other symptoms, as you are having an allergic reaction.
  • This is a medical emergency and it requires immediate treatment, before the symptoms become life-threatening.

Insect allergy

  • If you are allergic to insect bites and you have been bitten by an insect, then there is a very good chance you will develop an allergic reaction accompanied by throat constriction.
  • Emergency medical treatment is required as well.

Other allergies – to chemical substances or fumes, pollen, dust mites, cosmetics or detergents. Hay fever can also cause the feeling of tightness in the throat.

Other potential causes:

  • Cold
  • Bacterial infections – most common: strep throat
  • Pollution.


In order for the feeling of tightness in the throat to improve, the treatment should address the underlying condition. These are the most important recommendations made for each cause in particular:


  • Psychological counseling
  • Breathing therapy
  • Relaxation techniques, yoga
  • Alternatives to stress
  • Healthy lifestyle – physically active, eating fresh fruits and vegetables


  • Administration of thyroid hormone (synthetic product)
  • Surgery for removal of thyroid nodules.

Gastro-esophageal reflux

  • Anti-acid medication
  • Avoiding spicy, greasy or fatty foods
  • Avoiding foods that have the tendency to ferment in the stomach, leading to belching
  • Elimination of citric fruits and certain vegetables (tomatoes, onions or garlic) from the diet
  • Quitting smoking
  • Reducing alcohol intake
  • Avoid sleeping after eating
  • Eat dinner several hours before sleeping, so as to give the stomach the necessary time to digest the food.


  • In case of emergency, all allergies are treated with adrenaline shots
  • Mild allergies can benefit from the administration of anti-histamines. These will reduce the inflammation and will improve the feeling of tightness in the throat.
  • Local ointments containing hydrocortisone or calamine can help in case of insect bites.

In conclusion, the feeling of tightness in the throat can be eliminated if the root cause is correctly identified. If the constriction is caused by an allergy, then one must not lose time and use the epinephrine shot. Most people know the substances or foods they are allergic to, so they carry the epinephrine pen with them. If you find yourself in the position of helping a person suffering from severe throat constriction, do not hesitate to use the epinephrine shot to save that person’s life.

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Swollen Nasal Passages

Mar 14 2016 Published by under Ear, Nose and Throat

The swelling of the nasal passages can bring a lot of discomfort and also lead to difficult breathing. This modification often occurs when a person is suffering from infections of the upper respiratory tract. In general, the discomfort and difficulty breathing come from the increased mucus production. The interior nasal mucosa is swollen to prevent pathogenic organisms from entering into the nose and farther down the airway tract or the sinuses. Before considering a specific treatment for swollen nasal passages, one must take identify the exact cause that has led to the problem in the first place.

The swollen nasal passages are often presented under the simple term of nasal congestion. What happens is that the mucosa swells, bringing a lot of blood into the region. The blood vessels are constricted and they cause even more congestion. This condition is not serious and it is often solved through medication or with the aid of home remedies. If the mucus produced changes its color into green or yellow, then you might be suffering from a bacterial infection. This means that the best treatment for your swollen nasal passages will consist of anti-inflammatory medication and antibiotics. The mucus produced can make the difference in the administered treatment.

What Causes Swollen Nasal Passages?

swollen nasal passagesThese are the possible causes of swollen nasal passages:


  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane inside the nose
  • Runny nose
  • Triggered by allergens/non-allergic
  • Potential allergens include:
    • Dust mites
    • Pollen from plants or trees
    • Fumes resulting from chemical substances
    • Certain foods


  • Inflammation of sinuses (cavities that are filled with air)
  • Protect against harmful pathogens (bacteria, viruses or allergens)
  • Apart from the swollen nasal passages, the patient will suffer from pain, sensation of pressure and difficult breathing
  • Increased quantities of mucus are going to be released, as the sinuses and nasal mucosa are inflamed.

Upper respiratory infection

  • This can appear when a harmful bacteria has breached the protective mucosa of the nose
  • The bacteria lead to swollen nasal passages, high fever and yellow or green colored mucus
  • The patient might also have difficulty breathing
  • Coughing is possible, as the body tries to eliminate the infected mucus.

Common cold

The common cold appears when the body is exposed to extreme temperatures, leading to swollen nasal passages among other modifications.


When a virus has breached the interior mucosa of the nose, the symptoms of flu appear. Apart from the swollen nasal passages, the patient will feel a state of general discomfort, joint pain and fever.

Treatment for Swollen nasal passages

These are the most common courses of treatment recommended for swollen nasal passages:

Anti-inflammatory medication

  • Helps with the inflammation, improving the breathing and reducing the pain/discomfort
  • Can be taken orally or applied topically, as spray

Anti-histaminic medication

  • This is recommended in cases of rhinitis triggered by allergic organisms
  • Depending on the severity of the allergic reaction and the presence of other modifications, the doctor might either recommend oral administration or topical sprays


  • Recommended in cases of swollen nasal passages caused by bacterial infections
  • The treatment should be taken for as long as it is prescribed, otherwise the bacteria will develop resistance and the next infection is only going to cause worse symptoms

Nasal decongestant sprays

  • Recommended only in cases of severe swollen nasal passages
  • Used for long periods of time, they can cause a person to become addicted to them
  • There are situations in which the nasal decongestant sprays actually lead to swollen nasal passages – if they are used for too long or in increased quantities.


Relief from swollen nasal passages can be obtained with the following home remedies:

Steam inhalation

  • Boil water and then put a towel over your head
  • Inhaling the steam will open up the airways and it will reduce the swelling in the nasal passages
  • You can add essential oils (eucalyptus, tea tree) or different herbs to the water for better results
  • The steam acts as a natural decongestant
  • Essential oils will help you to faster eliminate the bacteria.

Herbal tea

  • Choose herbal teas that have healing (decongestant) properties such as mint or thyme
  • The herbal teas will help you reduce the swelling and they will also keep your body hydrated.

Tea tree oil

  • Tea tree oil is recommended in case of swollen nasal passages as it has antibacterial properties
  • It is for the best that you add it to water and inhale the steam.

Eucalyptus oil

  • Decongestant properties
  • Works the best when added to steaming water and inhaled

Salt water

  • Mix salt with warm water
  • Use a dropper to add a few drops of the mixture into the nose
  • Acts as a natural decongestant and also as disinfectant, keeping bacteria and viruses away.


There are several things you can do in order to prevent the nasal passages from becoming swollen:

  • Avoid getting into contact with potential allergens
  • Keep your room clean and open the windows on a frequent basis, so as to avoid dust mites
  • Eliminate potential foods that cause allergies from your diet
  • Avoid going into crowded areas during the flu period
  • Get a flu shot to protect yourself against viral infections
  • Wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your nose with your hands, as this is one of the most encountered method of delivering bacteria/viruses to the body.
  • Do not stand too close to someone who has the flu or a bacterial infection. Flu is highly contagious and it can be easily transmitted through touching, coughing or sneezing.
  • Drink a lot of liquids during the flu period. It will keep the body stronger, fighting against nasty viruses.
  • Use special sea water to keep the inside of your nose moisturized. A dry mucosa will welcome bacteria and viruses.
  • Keep a humidifier in your room. This will keep the air moist, especially when there is indoor heating causing the air to become dry.

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Red Moles

Mar 12 2016 Published by under Diseases and Conditions

The red mole is also known as a cherry angioma and at first sight it might seem like a serious medical problem. However, unlike other types of moles, these red ones are benign and they do not pose any threat to a person’s health. Keep in mind that red moles are not a sign of cancer and they most commonly indicate that the skin is aging. While moles in general are formed out of skin tissue (with melatonin as primary component), red moles consist of an accumulation of blood vessels. They are known as Campbell de Morgan spots in the medical literature.

Red moles can appear on any part of the human body but they have a tendency to be more numerous on the thorax. There is no gender predisposition and, as for age, it seems that people over 30 years develop them. Just like with regular moles, red moles can be quite different from one person to the other. Their size might range from small to big and their color might vary from fading to bright red. The growth of a red mole is appreciated in terms of width and diameter. Sometimes, at a closer look, one can notice that the red moles consist of clusters of blood vessels.

If you are worried that your red mole might turn into a cancerous one, it is important to look for other signs, besides the color. The features you should be checking are: symmetry (asymmetrical moles present a high risk for cancer), borders (irregular borders – sign of malignancy) and diameter (large and still growing mole – malignant).

Causes of Red Moles

These are the most probable causes that lead to the appearance of red moles:

  • Living in a sunny, warm climate
  • Frequent and prolonged exposure to the sun
  • Genetic predisposition/inheritance
  • Pregnancy
  • Exposure to harmful substances or chemicals
  • Aging
  • Malignancy.


If the red mole does not suffer any modifications, then the doctor might decide not to treat it. However, in case of modified or large red moles, these are the most common courses of treatment undertaken for red moles:

Surgical removal

  • Often performed for biopsy reasons – to determine whether the mole is benign or malignant
  • Especially recommended if the red mole is bleeding or if it has been subjected to any kind of trauma.


  • Cautery is one of the most often chosen methods of treatment for red moles
  • By using this method, the doctor practically burns the red mole.


  • Red moles can be easily removed with the aid of cryotherapy
  • By using this method, the doctor practically freezes the red mole, the removal process being quite easy afterwards.


  • One of the easiest methods to treat the red mole
  • Easy procedure and better recovery

Shave excision

  • Recommended in case of smaller red moles
  • Higher risk of scarring.


Many people are interested in removing their red moles because of aesthetic reasons. The methods available for removal have already been presented. In the paragraphs below, you will find however a detailed explanation of each procedure used for removal.

Surgical removal

  • The surgeon will prepare the area by applying iodine or other disinfectants
  • The procedure is done by using local anesthetic
  • The surgeon will use a scalpel to resect the red mole all at once and he will then keep a part of it for biopsy analysis
  • Depending on how big the red mole was, a suture might be necessary
  • For the last part, the doctor will apply a dressing with antibiotic ointment in order to prevent secondary infections.


  • The surgeon will prepare the area by applying iodine or other disinfectants
  • The procedure is done by using local anesthetic
  • Using a small probe, the surgeon will burn the red mole with the help of electric current
  • Because this procedure involves the usage of electric current, the surgeon will also place a lap on another part of your body, in order to protect you from the electricity
  • A sterile dressing will be applied after the procedure has ended.


  • The surgeon will freeze the red mole by using liquid nitrogen
  • This is one of the simplest and quickest removal procedures, as the red mole does not withstand extreme cold temperatures
  • Basically, the surgeon will spray the liquid nitrogen onto the red mole and the results are going to appear almost instantly
  • This procedure guarantees faster recovery time
  • Less chance of infection.


  • Removal is performed with the help of pulsed dye laser
  • The red mole is practically destroyed with the aid of the extreme heat
  • Quick removal, no need to spend time in the hospital
  • May require more than one session for complete removal (most patients require between one and three laser surgery sessions)
  • The recently operated area might appear as if bruised; however, in the following days after the laser removal, the bruising will subside.

Shave excision

  • The surgeon will prepare the area by applying iodine or other disinfectants
  • The procedure is done by using local anesthetic
  • Using a scalpel, the surgeon will remove the red mole in several stages. Basically, he will take the red mole and cut layer by layer.
  • Less invasive than complete cutting
  • As opposed to regular removal, the shave excision does not require sutures or stitches to keep the wound closed
  • A sterile dressing will be applied after the procedure has ended.

In conclusion, red moles are benign growths on the skin and they do not pose any risk to transform into cancer. However, they may cause discomfort, especially if they are located in areas where there is a lot of friction. If you keep on rubbing the red mole on the collar of your shirt, then perhaps it might be for the best to pay your doctor a visit and discuss about your options for removal. Once the red moles are removed, they do not come back.

Pictures of Red Moles

Collection of images, pictures of red moles…

red moles

red moles pictures

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Numbness in Lips

Mar 06 2016 Published by under General Health

The numbness sensation appearing in the lip area can be partial or complete. There are many reasons that might lead to numbness in lips, some more severe than others. Most often, there is an underlying condition that leads to this problem, among other modifications. It is important to keep in mind that both acute and chronic problems can lead to such a symptom. The correct diagnosis of the underlying condition will allow for the right treatment to be administered. Once the condition is treated, the numbness in the lips will disappear. Left untreated, the numbness can become permanent.

What Causes Numbness in Lips?

These are the most common causes that can lead to numbness in lips:

numbness in lipsHyperventilation

  • Appears in anxious or stressed people
  • Occurs when the person feels the acute need of oxygen
  • The quick inspiration and exhalation of air reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood
  • The person might experience numbness in the lips and in the extremities, the symptoms being accompanied by muscle tremors.

Raynaud’s phenomenon

  • Constriction of blood vessels
  • The constriction affects the transfer of the oxygen, causing numbness in lips and modification of lip color (bluish or white)
  • This condition is especially noticeable during the cold weather.

Lyme disease

  • This condition is caused by the bite of an infected tick
  • The neurological modifications lead to lip numbness, among other symptoms.

Peripheral neuropathy

  • Damage to the sensory nerves
  • Depending on the affected territory, it can cause numbness in the lips and other similar symptoms.


  • This happens when the regular oxygen flow in the brain in stopped by a blood clot
  • The person will experience paralysis on one side of the body and a wide range of other symptoms, including lip numbness on the affected side.

Auto-immune disorders

Guillain-Barré syndrome

  • Nerves are attacked by the immune system
  • The attack on the nerves leads to lip numbness, this symptom being usually accompanied by numbness in the extremities and muscle weakness.

Multiple sclerosis

  • Nerve signals are affected as the protective sheath covering the nerves becomes damaged
  • Nerve cells do not communicate efficiently, leading to numbness in the lips, muscle twitches and reduced mobility.

Ciguatera poisoning

  • Appears after the consumption of fish
  • The fish contains ciguatoxins after consuming certain species of plants
  • Among the symptoms this kind of poisoning produces, one will find lip numbness and hallucinations.

Reduced levels of calcium in the blood (hypocalcaemia)

  • Can appear as a result of a low-calcium diet or be caused by an underlying condition
  • As the levels of calcium are low, the patient might experience numbness in the lips and muscle twitches.

Other causes include:

  • Local anesthesia for dental work
  • Allergic reaction to food or other allergens
  • Side-effect of different medication
  • Exposure to cold temperatures
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Exposure to harmful substances or chemicals
  • Toxic ingestion of inedible substances
  • Trauma to the lips.


The treatment of lip numbness depends on the underlying condition:


  • Breathing therapy – reduce anxiety and eliminate stress
  • Psychological counseling – effectively identify the cause of the anxiety and ways to manage stress
  • Immediate solution – gradual, slow breathing / breathing into a bag.

Raynaud’s phenomenon:

  • Vasodilators (calcium channel blockers)
  • Aspirin
  • Sympatholytic agents.

Lyme disease

  • Antibiotics to eliminate the infection

Peripheral neuropathy

  • Antidepressants
  • Anti-epileptic drugs


  • Oxygen therapy
  • Mannitol to reduce the brain swelling

Auto-immune disorders

  • Guillain-Barré syndrome
    • Plasmapheresis – the blood is taken through a special machine and brought back to the body, the harmful antibodies being eliminated
    • Pain medication
    • Physical therapy
  • Multiple sclerosis
    • Intravenous corticosteroids
    • Plasmapheresis
    • Interferon
    • Alternative medicine.

Ciguatera poisoning

  • Calcium channel blockers
  • Steroids
  • Vitamin supplements
  • Mannitol


  • Administration of intravenous calcium
  • Calcium supplements.

Other causes:

  • Adrenaline shot in case of allergic reaction to food or other allergens
  • Stomach pumping or salt water ingestion in case of toxic substances
  • In case of trauma, the area should be disinfected and sutured.


The following home remedies can bring relief when it comes to numbness in lips:

Petroleum jelly

  • It can help reduce the numbness felt in the lips
  • The daily application also keeps the lips moisturized

Herbal tea

Drinking warm herbal tea can improve the circulation in the area and reduce the numbness sensation experience in the lip area

Gentle massage

By gently massaging the lip area, the circulation is stimulated the numbness sensation reduced.

As you have seen for yourself, the best way to treat numbness in lips is to address the underlying condition. Besides this, there are several preventive measures that you can take into consideration:

  • Avoid excessive alcohol intake and smoking (chewing tobacco including)
  • Avoid foods that you are allergic to
  • Change your toothbrush frequently and maintain excellent oral hygiene to prevent bacterial infections
  • Change the medication you are currently taking with another one that does not have side-effects
  • Protect the oral area with a mask in case you will enter into contact with chemical substances or fumes
  • Avoid exposure to cold temperatures; when going out during the winter, protect your extremities and wear a scarf around your neck
  • Try relaxation techniques in case you are suffering from anxiety
  • Eat a healthy diet, with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, so that you do not suffer from nutritional deficiencies.

If the numbness in lips is caused by a neurological or auto-immune disorder, then you can consider alternative or complementary medicine in order to improve this symptom. Be sure to notify your doctor about any treatment course that you have decided to pursue, besides the one that you are currently taking. In rare cases, the numbness in lips can be a sign of cancer, so you might want to visit the doctor and inquire more information on the subject. Early prevention is the key to getting cured.

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Inner Ear Infection

Mar 06 2016 Published by under Ear, Nose and Throat

The infection of the inner ear can be present on different levels, causing a wide range of symptoms. Most people decided to visit the doctor as the inner ear infection is causing a lot of pain. Depending on how far the infection is located, the doctor might decide to use an ear scope to observe the modifications.         Identifying the exact location of the infection is just as important as determining the pathogenic organisms responsible for the infection. It is important for the treatment not to be delayed; otherwise, the infection can become worse, leading to hearing loss.

The inner ear infection can be acute or chronic. Chronic infections are often the result of acute infections that have been poorly treated or not treated at all. These are the ones that are most difficult to treat and also the ones that can cause permanent damage. There are a lot of people who have the tendency to treat the inner ear infection with antibiotics, without visiting a doctor first. While it is true that the infection can be caused by bacteria, one must remember that viral infections are also possible. The administration of the wrong antibiotic in case of a bacterial infection can also cause the bacteria to become stronger.

Symptoms of Inner Ear Infection

inner ear infectionThese are the most common symptoms of the inner ear infection:


  • Range from mild to severe
  • Acute infection – sharp, pulsating pain
  • Chronic infection – dull, constant pain
  • Warmth and tenderness to the touch can accompany the pain

Sensation of having something in the ear

  • This is actually the inflammation that commonly occurs with the infection

Ringing in the ear

  • This appears when the infection affects the vestibular nerve

Discharge from the ear

  • This is especially valid if the infection is caused by bacteria

Hearing loss/damage

  • Appears most often in chronic infections of the inner ear

Systemic symptoms

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • State of general discomfort
  • Dizziness (vestibular nerve affected by the infection).

What are the Causes of Inner Ear Infection?

These are the most common causes that lead to the inner ear infection:

  • Common cold
  • Allergy
  • Infection of the middle ear
  • Infection of the sinuses
  • Production of mucous in excess
  • Smoking tobacco
  • Infection of the adenoids

The following are considered to be risk factors for developing inner ear infections:

  • Age – small children are more predisposed to such kind of infections
  • Reduced immunity
  • Changes in altitude/climate
  • Previous infections of the ear

The inner ear infection can either be caused by bacteria or viruses. When caused by bacteria, the infection is known as serous labyrinthitis. This type of infection is the result of a middle ear infection that has been poorly treated and now has become chronic. Another type of bacterial infection of the inner ear is suppurative labyrinthitis, a condition which is less encountered than the previously mentioned one. In this case, the bacteria can come from an infection of the middle ear or as result of bacterial meningitis.

Viral inner ear infections are more often encountered than the bacterial ones. The infection of the inner ear with a virus can appear as part of a viral illness affecting the entire body, such is the case of childhood infectious diseases (measles) or mononucleosis. In many situations, the infection is located just in the inner ear, affecting either the labyrinth or the nerves in the area (such as the vestibule-cochlear nerve). Viral infections of the inner ear can range from mild to severe, including viral neuritis and viral labyrinthitis. The viruses most commonly incriminated in the appearance of inner ear infections are: herpetic viruses, influenza virus or Epstein-Barr.

How long does Inner ear infection last?

As it was already mentioned, there are two types of inner ear infection, meaning acute and chronic. In case of the acute inner ear infection, this condition might last somewhere around two weeks, extending to a month if the symptoms are not severe. The condition can turn into a chronic infection, if the symptoms are ignored and the proper treatment is administered. Chronic infections of the inner ear can last for several years, leading in time to damage and hearing loss.


The following treatments are recommended for inner ear infections:


  • The right antibiotic can be prescribed for an inner ear infection only after the bacteria responsible have been identified
  • The antibiotic should be taken for as long as it is recommended by the doctor, otherwise the infection will not go away and it will turn into a chronic condition
  • Probiotics are recommended to be taken during the treatment with antibiotics, so as to protect the digestive system

Anti-viral medication

  • This is recommended in case of inner ear infection caused by a virus
  • One of the best anti-viral medications is Acyclovir

Symptomatic treatment

  • Medication to control the nausea, vomiting and dizziness
  • Ear drops to relieve pain
  • Anti-inflammatory medication
  • Decongestants

Intravenous fluids

  • These are recommended in severe cases of inner ear infections, to keep the body hydrated


  • These can help with the inflammation
  • Cannot be administered for prolonged periods of time, as they have serious side-effects

Drainage of the infection

  • Special tubes are used to eliminate the infection from the inner ear

Adenoids removal

  • Can improve the chronic infection.

Home Remedies

The following home remedies are recommended for inner ear infections:

  • If the infection is recent and you are in a lot of pain, applying a warm compress over the affected area can help with the symptoms.
  • Fill a sock with warm salt and place it over the ear. The salt will draw the liquid from the ear, reducing the inflammation and relieving the pain.
  • Crush some garlic and put it into a cloth. Garlic has anti-bacterial properties and it can help with the symptoms of bacterial infections.

Other home remedies:

  • Fresh basil/basil oil
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Olive oil
  • Bottle with warm water
  • Onions
  • Tea tree oil
  • Mango leaves/mango leaf juice.

The home remedies are recommended as symptomatic treatment but they cannot cure the infection. Consult a doctor and obtain the right treatment.

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Egg for Hair

Mar 06 2016 Published by under Hair and Nails

There are a lot of people who are considering using eggs to have a healthier hair and to promote its growth. If you are wondering about the benefits of using eggs on your hair, then you should definitely keep on reading this article. First of all, you should know that eggs contain a lot of proteins and these are quite beneficial for hair growth. You might not have known this for a fact but keratin, the main component of hair, is actually a protein. So, if you have damaged hair, you might consider egg as a natural remedy for hair repairing.

Both women and men are on the constant lookout for natural hair remedies. They want a remedy that will promote hair growth while making the existing hair stronger. The large amount of proteins contained in a single egg will help your hair grow and become more resistant at the same time. Also, you should know that if your hair is stronger, it will also grow better. The benefits of conditioning your hair with eggs are obvious, so you should not hesitate to enforce this treatment on a regular basis. It will not be too long before you will notice that your hair is shining and growing.

What are the benefits of Egg for hair?

These are the benefits of using eggs as a natural hair remedy:

egg for hairEggs contain nutrients that will make your hair strong, preventing the hair strands from breaking and falling

  • Vitamins – A, D and E
  • Proteins
  • Fatty acids
  • Sulfur

Keep the scalp moisturized

  • Often times, a person suffers from hair loss because the skin on the scalp is dry
  • Also, if you are used to drying your hair with the hair dryer, you might suffer from dry hair (easily breakable)
  • Eggs keep both the scalp and the hair strands moisturized, preventing them from breaking and helping them grow to the desired length.

Natural luster

  • If the hair is not healthy, then the hair strands have a dull color and a rigid texture
  • As they contain fatty acids, eggs can help the hair to regain its natural luster
  • Regular application of eggs on the hair will contribute to the hair shining.

No more hair loss

  • If you are worried about the quantity of hair that you are losing, consider using eggs
  • As they contain vitamins (A, D and E) and proteins, the egg applications will make the hair follicle and the hair root stronger and healthier
  • You will never have to worry about hair loss ever again.

Hair growth

  • Conditioning your hair with eggs can help the hair grow faster
  • The hair growth process is increased because of the B12 vitamin and sulfur that egg yolk contains
  • Not only will the application of egg on the hair promote hair growth but it will also make it thicker, thus contributing to more volume.

Repair hair damage

  • The healthy nutrients contained in the egg yolk with repair any existing hair damage.
  • The regular application of egg on the hair will prevent hair damage from occurring ever again.

How to use egg for hair growth?

Below, you will find several recommendations on how egg yolk can be used for hair growth:

  • Mix the egg yolk with honey and olive oil
    • Apply the mixture to the hair and leave it on for about twenty minutes
    • Rinse off with warm water
  • Mix the egg yolk with fresh avocado into a paste
    • Apply the paste to the hair and leave it on for a quarter of an hour
    • Rinse off with warm water
  • Beat the egg yolk until it changes its texture
    • Apply the beaten egg yolk to the hair and leave it for half an hour
    • Rinse off with cold water
  • Mix the egg yolk with yogurt, lemon juice and honey
    • Apply the paste to the hair and leave it for about ten to twenty minutes
    • Rinse off with lukewarm water
  • Mix the egg yolk with honey, yogurt and almond oil
    • Apply the mixture to the hair and leave it for an hour and a half
    • Rinse off with warm water
  • Mix the egg yolk with linseed oil
    • Beat the mixture into a paste
    • Apply the paste to the hair (make sure that it is damp) and leave it on for half an hour
    • Rinse off with warm water
  • Mix the egg white with milk
    • Apply the mixture to the hair and leave it on for half an hour
    • Shampoo and rinse off with warm water
  • Mix the egg yolk with plain yogurt
    • Apply the paste to the hair and leave it for about half an hour
    • Rinse off with warm water
  • Mix the egg yolk with white wine/apple cider vinegar
    • Beat the mixture and apply it to the hair
    • Leave it on for half an hour
    • Rinse off with cold water.

As you can see for yourself, there are many possibilities in which the egg can be used as a natural remedy for hair growth. Most of these remedies require the egg yolk to be used, but there are some in which the egg whites are preferred.

There are a few things you need to remember when it comes to using egg as a natural remedy for hair growth. One of the most important ones is that you do not rinse your hair with hot water. Even though you might be tempted to do that, thinking that it will help you clean your hair, in reality it will do just the opposite. So, be sure to use warm or even cold water to remove all of the egg from the hair. Also, keep in mind that one single application of egg on the hair is not enough. You need to apply egg regularly and wait for several weeks before the first results are noticeable. Soon, your hair will regain its natural luster and you will be satisfied.

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Brittle Toenails

Mar 01 2016 Published by under Hair and Nails

Brittle toenails represent a common problem in the general population. The medical term for this condition is onychorrhexis, defining the modifications that appear at the end of the toenails. Age is considered as one of the determining factors that lead to the appearance of brittle toenails, but it is not the only one incriminated. Sometimes, there may be another medical condition that causes the nails to become brittle. The important thing is that a diagnosis made and the proper treatment is administered. If there is an underlying condition and the right treatment is offered, then the condition of the toenails will improve as well.

Symptoms of Brittle Toenails

These are the most common symptoms/modifications when it comes to brittle toenails:

  • The strength of the toenails is reduced; they break more easily than it would be normal.
  • Toenails can also become dry and crumbly.
  • Because of the abnormal production of keratin, they might also be thicker than normal.
  • Can be accompanied by color changes – the nail bed can become opaque or yellow.
  • White spots can appear on the nail bed.
  • Ridges are formed on the nail bed, leading to the nail edge splitting in more than one place.

What Causes Brittle Toenails?

These are the most common causes that lead to the appearance of brittle toenails:

Fungal infection

If the toenails are infected with different fungi, then they present a high chance of becoming brittle. The infection can spread from one toenail to the other, the fungi growing and colonizing the entire area. This kind of infection is favored by excess humidity. The toenails will become discolored, they will modify their shape and they will thicken.

Lichen planus

Non-contagious skin rash that also affects the toenails, causing them to become brittle.

Hormonal dysfunctions

Hyper or hypothyroidism can affect the health of the toenails, leading to modifications.

Nail psoriasis

This is a specific form of psoriasis, affecting the toenails and fingernails. Being a chronic condition, in time, it causes nails to become brittle or crumbly.

Reactive arthritis

This is an auto-immune condition that leads to modifications in different parts of the body, causing toenails to become brittle.

Vitamin deficiency

The health of the toenails is influenced by the vitamin deficiency. If your body lacks iron (anemia)         or vitamins from the B complex, then toenails can become brittle.

Eating disorders (bulimia/anorexia)

Eating disorders are characterized by vitamin deficiency due to the improper intake of food; this in its own turn can lead to brittle toenails.

Nail polish

It is a well known fact that nail polish contains many chemicals. The frequent usage of nail polish can lead to brittle toenails, among other modifications.

Professional manicure

The substances used for the removal of the nail polish or the solvents applied to the cuticles can damage the toenails as well, leading to them becoming brittle.

Keeping your feet in water

If that happens on a frequent basis or for prolonged periods of time, then the toenails can suffer modifications.

Other conditions:

  • Raynaud’s phenomenon
  • Eczema
  • Nail dryness
  • Aging
  • Exposure to detergents/chemical substances.


These are the most common courses of treatment recommended for brittle nails:

Vitamin B complex supplements

  • Strengthen the toenails
  • Prevents them from becoming brittle
  • First improvements are noticeable within 4 to 6 months

Topical application of hydrosoluble nail lacquer

  • Brush-on application
  • First results are noticeable within 2-3 weeks
  • Protects the nails that are already brittle from further friction or tearing
  • Improves the health of the toenails, protecting them against excessive moisture

Other recommendations

Studies related to their efficiency have been inconclusive:

  • Silicon – reduces the roughness of the skin and reduces the modifications present on the toenails.
  • Horsetail herb – contains silica, having similar effects with the above mentioned silicon.
  • Calcium – it is a well known fact that calcium makes the toenails stronger, thus helping when they are brittle.
  • Iron – as brittle nails are considered a sign of anemia, by taking iron supplements both the anemia and the brittle toenails are going to improve.
  • Vitamin A – improves the health of the toenails, causing them to become less brittle.
  • Cysteine – this is an amino acid that can help the keratin in the toenails to become more stable, thus maintaining their health.
  • Zinc – if there is a zinc deficiency in the body, then the toenails can become brittle. Zinc supplements can solve such problems.

The treatment of underlying conditions (digestive disorders, hormonal problems) will also address the problem of brittle toenails.

Home remedies

These are the most common home remedies you can consider for brittle toenails:

Olive oil and lemon juice

  • Mix olive oil with freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • Apply it to the toenails and maintain it until the next day
  • Recommended to be used at least twice a week, until the first results become noticeable

Tea tree oil and vitamin E

  • Home remedy recommended for brittle toenails caused by fungal infections

Sea salt

  • Mix sea salt with lemon juice or oil
  • The resulting mixture should be poured into warm water
  • Soak your feet in the water and keep them there for a quarter of an hour
  • Repeat at least twice a week

Vitamin E oil

Massage your toenails with vitamin E oil, then put on a pair of socks and leave the treatment to do its magic over night.

Beer, apple cider vinegar and olive oil

  • Mix the beer with apple cider vinegar and olive oil
  • Soak your toenails into the mixture for a quarter of an hour
  • Repeat twice a week

Lemon juice

  • Mix lemon juice with warm water
  • Soak your feet into the water and keep them there for a quarter of an hour
  • Repeat twice a week

Herbal mixture

  • Mix chamomile, peppermint and olive oil
  • Apply mixture to the toenails
  • Rinse off with warm water

Egg yolk and milk

  • Mix the eggs yolks with milk
  • Apply mixture to the toenails
  • Rinse off with warm water

Pictures of Brittle Toenails

Here are some of the photos, pictures of brittle toenails…

brittle toenails

brittle toenails pictures

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